2017 /
Returnable Bottles
Mirko turatti
Agency / Studio
Arischia 2016, returnable bottles.
May 2016, the country of Arischia, a little fraction of the town of L'Aquila.
On 06 April 2009 at 3:32 a.m the City of L'aquila and the Aquilana's valley were hit by an earthquake of magnitude 6.3 on the Richter scale. In the 48 hours after the main shock, other 256 replies were recorded, and more than 150 on the day of Tuesday, April 7 which more than magnitude 3.0 Ml.
This event led to a definitive estimate of 309 dead, 1,600 injured and 65,000 displaced people with over 10 billion euros of estimated damage.
Today, after seven years away from the scary event, the space is become a container of returnable bottles: the elderly confined to their MAP (temporary housing modules) where the days go by with silence in the bones and the shade is the only company; and young people, those few who remained, they move little, sometimes in groups like wolves young, too soon forced to comparison with a life that attacks them immediately, takes away everything and leaves them only emptiness.
Arischia, is became a container of returnable bottles, as often we find in the big city, blue and yellow bins rattling in the glass with no one steps to withdraw them.
Do not recycle at Arischia, not renewed, too few people, too few possibilities, the resources go to big centers, where they find a more comfortable space.
And what is happening,is an increase of cases of suicide of the elderly, along with a slow abandonment of the places for the most young, empty Arischia and leaves a vacuum in a vacuum.
In January 2017, the region was again hit by a strong earthquake that struck again a place that has long groping in the dark, and a state that still does not supply remedy for the previous earthquake damages.
Nato a Firenze, Mirko Turatti vive e lavora nella sua città.
Contemporaneamente segue un proprio percorso indipendente come Storyteller e Fotogionalista, dedicandosi a progetti a medio e lungo termine, storie e reportage appunto, si dedica quindi a tutto ciò’ che e’ sociale, politico e antropologico, l’umano oltre lo sguardo.
Nel corso della carriera, inoltre ricopre piu’ volte il ruolo di esaminatore finale presso la Scuola Europea per la fotografia APAB e presso la Scuola Nazionale per il cinema indipedente a Firenze. Ricopre anche il ruolo di Docente di fotografia digitale e analogica