This is what happens when modern technology meets photography: the photo was taken by SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). In the microcosm, platinum attached to C3N4 (carbon nitride) seems like the galaxy.
This year's Science Photographer of the Year in the Moscow International Foto Awards tells the story of a heart transplant: Hugo was 10 months old when he was diagnosed with a heart disease in the Canary Islands. His chances were slim, as he desperately needed a heart transplant. Thankfully, 6 months later, there was a heart. The surgery involved 12 people who worked tirelessly for 5 hours to save Hugo's life, who recovered.
Strings in string theory support a certain oscillation mode, or resonance frequency, whose wavelength exactly matches the length between the two endpoints. The different vibrations of the strings result in different mass and force loads, which are interpreted as elementary particles. Taiwanese photographer Pin-Cheng Chung captured this phenomenon.
Lying at 430 meters below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth. With a salinity of 34%, the waters have mystified scientists for thousands of years.A dead tree, planted by artist Amiram Dora to signify ‘death’ is intended to draw attention to the ‘life’ that the Dead Sea creates surrounding the notion of death.
In the past five years, Indonesia has been committed to pursuing the most ambitious healthcare system in the world. However, the lack of funds, staff, and infrastructure make access to health services a mirage for dozens of Indonesian Borneo's indigenous. Puskesmas, introduced in 1960, remain the only source of health care for dozens of villages. Operating also as mobile clinical centers, these community health posts targeted primary health care gaps, including maternal and child health care, general prevention, immunization, and first aid services.
This futuristic photograph captures Singapore's eco-buildings called the Super Grove lighting up in the nighttime.
When an organism is transported far from its original place, it is artificially introduced in an environment where it had not been present before, this organism can spread uncontrollably becoming a full-fledged “alien”. This process has increased during the last decades due to the movements of goods and people and it has worsened because of the rise in temperatures which facilitate the introduction of many tropical species in temperate climate zones.
The photos series was taken flying high above the clouds at night in the cockpit of a 747 airplane. The world from above, nighttime and the moon, the lights combining result in such harmonious photos.
To measure the temperature of the lava lake of the Yasur Volcano, Geologist Basti Hofmann needs to descend into the crater of the explosive volcano, a very dangerous undertaking. The Yasur volcano is located on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu, and is amongst the most active volcanos on the planet. However, there is a constant struggle to obtain the necessary funds in the remote country in the South Pacific to monitor its volcanoes.
The result of endless patience: a night photography project consisting of over 700 images spanning 6 hours and 2 weeks to process.
Are you interested in MIFA's talented nature photographers? Read about the best photographs in nature category here.