Geoff Reed is a Phoenix, Arizona-based photographer providing corporate, editorial, travel & adventure photographs of people on location for business and consumer publications.
He has lived and traveled extensively in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the United States and is an adjunct professor of commercial and portrait photography at the Maricopa Community Colleges in the Phoenix Metro area. In addition, he teaches International Study Abroad photography in Prague, Czech Republic. Geoff is a contributing member of the non-profit organization Through Each Others Eyes (TEOE), which coordinates photographic exchanges, educational programs and traveling exhibitions to help people around the world understand and appreciate diverse cultures through photography.
Geoff has published two books of travel photography, “Prague Juxtapositions” (2021) and “Twenty Days in Arizona & Guatemala” (2020). Recent exhibitions include a collection of images from Prague at the Center for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Gateway Community College in Phoenix, Arizona, and photographs from the book, “Twenty Days in Arizona & Guatemala” at Burton Barr Central Library in Phoenix, and at the Paradise Valley Community College library.
Geoff earned a BA in commercial photography from Brooks Institute (Santa Barbara, CA.) and a BA in geology from the University of Colorado (Boulder, CO.) Prior to that, he studied English and political science at Georgetown University (Washington D.C.).