The inspiring, heart-wrenching story of a 10-month old baby, Hugo, and his heart transplant. He was diagnosed with heart disease and his only chance of survival was to receive a heart transplant in Madrid. He and his parents waited for a heart for 6 months. The surgery involved 12 people and lasted five hours – Hugo had a successful recovery and is now living back home again.
Photography and technology, mixed together for perfection: this image was shot with a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). This “seahorse” is, in reality, platinum attached to C3N4.
One of the most active volcanoes on the planet, the Yasur volcano is located on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu. In order to measure the lava’s temperature, Geologist Basi Hofmann needs to go as close as possible to the crater – an ordeal that is life-threateningly dangerous. However, somebody has to do this: it is necessary to monitor the volcanoes to better understand them and their possible dangers.
Ecological imbalance is all around us, breeding aliens: animals who have been transported far away, introduced into places that differ from their habitat and climate.
On this image, we are taken into the heart of Singapore to see its eco-buildings called the Super Grove.
The Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth lying 430 meters below sea level, the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth. With a salinity of 34%, the waters have mystified scientists for thousands of years. Artist Amiram Dora planted a tree to signify death, but also to raise attention to life that the Dead Sea creates. The sea is shrinking every year, and urgent action is needed.
This scientific photo series examines Post-Exertional Malaise, or PEM. It is the extreme exhaustion, pain, cognitive networks and deficits that present after exertion in chronic fatigue patients with an extremely slow return to the normal condition.
At first glance, it could be a megacity, but when we properly take a look, the image shows us a glimpse into the destiny of the human race, all connected with storage capacities of computers.
Flying high above the clouds at night in the cockpit of his 747, the photographer looked upon the world sliding by. Cities, oceans, continents all drift below the wings of the airplane with a million stars above his head.
An image series created to bring awareness of how we disregard nature, taking animals out of their natural habitat and forcing them to entertain us. According to the photographer, there are “seven things that will destroy us: wealth without work; pleasure without conscience; knowledge without character; religion without sacrifice; politics without principle; science without humanity; business without ethics.”