Bronze 2017 / Editorial / Personality (Non-Pro)

Salvatore, tomorrow is another day

  • Photographer
    Diego Fedele
  • Prizes
    Bronze in Editorial/Personality

Says Salvatore’s father. Salvatore was born 23 years old ago in Gioia Tauro (R.C.), he was heroin addicted from 21 to 23 in Bologna city where he lived and worked. When he made the decision to stop use drug, he came at home to him families, in Gioia Tauro, where he found a new, clean life. The first month was terrible because Salvatore was sore and paranoid, every things talks to him without says nothing. Days on the book to search an answer, mobile phone off, social life off and “friends” disappears only the family was whit him. The real Salvatore’s power was the family and the hip hop music to came out from the heroin tunnel.