The Carioca metropolis is noir, even in its name. The color is clear and sharp and it seduces me. Rio is a lady: prey and predator. All the decades from the 30’s to the 70’s are running through, corroding her, never vanishing. Wrapped in the tijucano astrakhan of mata atlantica, she looks out on the water, enveloped in a joyful samba. The sidewalks are black and white, like the skin of the people drifting along them. Rio isn’t a background for events, rather it plays a part in them pulsing with the people who live through it. The life of a single homo urbanus pulsates in a convulsive metropolitan rhythm and together they become a more direct expressive framework, a single entity. It’s the screen of a cinema printed by life and my camera goes crazy. I express my idea of beauty through music and visual arts. I am both a composer and photographer – and one lives in the other. I love unplanned travels, capturing images while events naturally unfold. Imagination is the engine that looks for hidden meanings, the little truth that is behind all things. I’m attracted to wide open spaces, seductive shapes and faces – since, like objects that look at us, they lay along the border between reality and imagination. What I see and hear becomes a single entity: music and image. One always contains the other. Music or travels and photos as fragments of imagined lives, my attitude is that I’m playing. And each time, there’s a new game.