Part of project Sea Change ( Project Sea Change is about capturing a moment in time. After the global financial collapse in 2007, people all over Europe have been experiencing a time of great uncertainty, with many challenges but perhaps also new opportunities and new beginnings. Project Sea Change will be a travelling exhibition and a book, coming out january 2015. These photographs were taken in Iceland between 2012 and 2014, during three separate visits to the island. In other words, my work began around five years after Iceland's entire economic system failed. In 2008 the country became a symbol of the global financial crisis, resulting in political turmoil and widespread protests against the whole political and economic system. Many young Icelandic people had no choice. They had to move abroad to find a job, or go back to working in the traditional industries. Iceland had always been one of the best countries in the world with a well-functioning welfare system, but in the course of a few months, the dream was shattered. Suddenly, everything was uncertain.