For this photo-series I chose to concentrate girl-photos because I wanted to empower the sensation of being present, to make it deep, as there are more and more situations with the same atmosphere – a whole world is being portrayed and becomes real, acquiring rules, characteristics, a certain vibe and personality, the place gets a world of life of its own. For me it turned out that, through distortion, the pictures became clearer and with a greater sense of what is true. Tel Aviv's girls in the photos look immersed in a dream, one that is a little strange, a bit absurd, but feels normal. I aimed to put together a collective image of their daily attributes; bicycles showing elegance when put together with dresses, a combination of amusement, transportation and physical strength, with helmets that are used both for protection and as a type of mask, at the same time. So, they are kind of survivors, torn apart by typical modern reality, where they are between livelihood and studies, banks and dreams, trends and personal style, fashion, war, personal tragedies and so on.