The "Living on a Dollar a Day," book focus on the 1.2 billion people who live on less then one dollar a day. Becky Harlan of National Geographic eloquently describes the book’s topic in their PROOF blog: “Approximately one out of six people live on a dollar a day. It’s a statistic that remains abstract for many who do not feel its implications on a day-to-day basis. That’s why photographer Renée C. Byer traveled to four continents to capture the circumstances of people living in extreme poverty—to give us the names and show us the faces of those it haunts. She shows us the poor whose lives are dominated by health problems that are treatable with modern medicine, who work hard in hazardous conditions for little pay, and who build homes on borrowed land because, like all human beings, they have to live somewhere. In Living on a Dollar a Day, Byer translates a stark statistic into stories so that we can more easily access our compassion and, hopefully, exercise our humanity.“ As the United Nations Millennium Development Goals are up for review in 2015 this project is a poignant call to action for governments, civic society organizations and the private sector to set a better course of action. There has been improvement but not enough to eradicate extreme poverty as it relates to hunger, disease, lack of adequate shelter, water, education, environmental sustainability, healthcare, and gender equality.