This is a 6 photos series about a very old big house and lonliness and living in foreign land. The construction of this Palace was started in 1743 by the Master Builder Leopoldo Retti and it supose to be his home. He never finished the construction and in the next year, 1744, he started a new project in Stuttgart. The Retti Palace was empty and untenanted since at least the 1952's. In July 2014 it opens his gates and in the same time it was transformed in a museum and an exponat- The theme of the art expo was the change that the time does and the connection between past, present and change itself(the german title of the expo is "Zeiten wende"). My personal touch is in the processing of the photos and they are very much different from the scene in the real house and the conection with my personal life. What future will have this house - who knows?. The title of the series is inspired by the heavy metal song "Within the presence of the absence" composed by the My Diyng Bride. I really do miss someone and my life without her is very much alike with the empty rooms of the Retti Palace, but photography change this emptiness into something very beautiful and vibrant, just like i processed this photos.It brings light and beauty in my life. I like a lot this six photos and i hope that you like them too. Best regards to everyone Alexandru Ionita Ansbach, Germany