Though some of us say mind “and†body, they have always been one, never separate. Yet, this Thing we call Life, our daily experience, is all an abstraction that has almost nothing to do [consciously] with the labyrinths of veins and dendrites winding through our bodies. I love this. It is exciting knowing this contrast exists: here is a millennia of histories that become profound Myth, full of heart, full of determination and Will; here is a body with a personality and with a hand and fingertip-cells that “Know†to function in a genetically predetermined way. Beneath the epic story-lines, beneath the laughter and the mundane, we are all an intricate base-layer. We are Blood, Sinew, Synapse, Bone.
Tara Cronin is an artist working in various mediums focusing on alternative photographic methods, works on paper, installation and book-arts. She has pursued an art career that has both helped her solve problems in her own internal space as well as in the space she finds herself situated externally. Tara received a BA in Writing from New School University, and an MFA in Photography from Bard College and the ICP-Bard Program, and has Twice-earned the ICP Director’s Fellowship Award. During her graduate and post-graduate work, Tara explored this interface between the material and the individual