For a long time now, my research has been concerned with (concentrated on) the study of the body in contemporary society in all its various aspects. A mixture of cultural differences form the hallmark of present day society, showing the body in a state of constant flux and evolution. The body in which we live today, which develops and moves in the contemporary world, finds itself at a crossroads between two paths which then run parallel; a body which finds itself in the words of Betti Marenko "at a crossroads between the hypertechnological and the neotribal:" if on the one hand the former is proclaimed obsolete, on the other, the latter takes its revenge in an extreme physical form, which seems to challenge the evanescence of virtuality in blood.  In the past  identity followed strictly catalogued patterns while today it has become multiethnic, variable and unstable. The field it offers is vast, even infinite because of the enormous range of possible change it offers.