There is a small island of coast of Nagasaki were time stands still. My desire was to pay respect to that which is no more; to that which is 'Unstoppable'. This island, Hashima had experienced a rapid development through coal mining in the past. It came to be called 'Gunkan-jima' (Warship Island) from its appearance hardened with concrete. Around 1960, during its most prosperous era, the population density of Gunkan-jima was ranked No.1 in the world; nine times larger than that of Tokyo. A lot of sweat, tears and blood wre shed by labors because of the danger involved in working with coal. This rapid development was simply 'Unstoppable', like a spinning wheel out of control. Years following, oil became the popular source of energy which led to a rapid decline in coal consumption which in turn led to people jumping ship. This island was becoming a ghost town. It was 'Unstoppable'. And now, it has been deserted for over 35 years; an island of ruin. All it knows now are the vaves that crash on its shores. Unbelievably, I was allowed to stand on this island. I tried to its 'Unstoppable' by taking photos. These works are the records of 'Unstoppable' captured only for a moment. In conclusion, I would like to thank the city of Nagasaki for giving me the permission to enter the restricted island of Gunkan-jima and helping me complete this project. ※The island is a closed off in accordance with the city of Nagasaki.