Satori is one of the more important experience in the practice of Zen Buddhism. Inside there is the experience of spiritual awakening as a result of the observation of things around us , those small, simple , insignificant , on which most of the time does not dwell . Contemplate and carefully observe the world around them , according to the Japanese thought , is the is fundamental practice to understand the real nature of things , to enter the world of the enlightened knowledge , even if for brief moments. Through the concept of Wabi- sabi , which is a Japanese aesthetic vision of the world based on the acceptance of transience of things ( nothing lasts , nothing is finished, nothing is perfect) , I carried out my research focusing it on the development of the aspects of impermanence in nature. For aesthetic and conceptual completeness, I used an image postproduction inspired to the practice of coloring prints by albumen feature of Japanese photography 800s