2015 / Architecture / Interiors


  • Photographer
    Maurizio Marcato
  • Agency / Studio

PRESENTATION With the creative passion he first brought to painting, then developed with the discovery of photography, Maurizio Marcato has produced prizewinning pictures all over the world. In 1979 he inaugurated his studio in Verona, specializing in consultancy and image promotion, capturing the essence of corporate advertising and interest. Maurizio Marcato is an artist of many talents, active at the international level: he has realized projects in line with his style in Japan and the U.S. as well as in Italy. Maurizio Marcato has a wide range of interests in addition to the corporate image, and is celebrated for his art photos, journalistic reports and portraits, as well as his photographs of architecture and landscapes, exhibited in a number of prestigious shows. Since the Eighties, he has been cooperating with several design magazines and, since 2004, has been teaching photography at the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano. Eyes open on the world, continuous research and attention to innovation: these are the gifts that have enabled the photographer to expand the concept of advertising and keep in step with its evolution. In 1994 he founded the Terzo Millennium agency to further develop his services in the direction of an improved visual identity of brands and their commitment, all thanks also to the consolidation of an international network. Another initiative was MiMA the lnternational lmage District, a cultural association that promotes workshops, cultural activities and exhibitions through the experience of photographic communication. IMAGE CONSULTANCY Creator of corporate images and advertising campaigns, Maurizio Marcato has produced amazing shots, with extraordinary photographic creativity, exalting innovation and the importance of advertising today. Renowned at the international level as the moving force behind famous brands, collaborations with magazines and projects all over the world, Maurizio Marcato has published full-scaled photographic reports of events, trends and contemporary issues, highlighting the most veiled aspects. His excellent creative and advertising talent enable art and reality to merge completely in iconic pictures that have changed the approach to photography. Projects, advertising strategies, world of the media: the quality of his work has been recognized by the many awards he has won over the years.