2015 / Fine Art / Abstract

Pillars of Creation

  • Photographer
    Javiera Estrada

Pillars of Creation is a photograph of the interstellar gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula some 7,000 light years from Earth. It is a place where stars are born and simultaneously eroding by the light of nearby stars. Almost every element of earth was formed at the heart of a star. Our bodies are remnants from the bursting of these beautiful crystals of light. Javiera Estrada’s fascination and study of astrology, metaphysics and quantum physics has been influential in her life and her creative process. This new series is an exploration of consciousness and the ever expanding world of the universe within. Magical worlds are created through the explosions of ink in water. Through the negative space, vibrant textures emerge organically. Similar to life, each image is a mystery unfolding, only to be revealed in the present moment. According to the artist: “Like the empty space in the galaxy, I’ve been dying and rebirthing out of darkness into the light of new beginnings”.