2015 / Nature / Landscapes

Mountain Light

  • Photographer
    Jack Curran

Chasing light from sunrise to sunset in the mountains is always a challenge. I remember one day in particular when I was in Banff during blustery fall day, I was in a small phone booth calling home when it began to rain and snow at the same time! Within minutes, it was raining five feet to my right and snowing five feet to my left! Many of the images in the mountain light portfolio represent mere fleeting seconds in time. Thankfully, I was lucky enough to be there!

You might say there was a natural collision of circumstances between Jack’s nearly lifelong love of nature, and that of photography. His wondrous journey into nature began when he attended an Outward Bound month-long wilderness course at age 16. At 18, (just over 40 years ago) he picked up his first camera, developed his first B&W print in the darkroom and quickly put his two passions together. In recent years Jack’s photography has been exhibited in Paris, Athens, Berlin, Moscow, and Malaga Spain and domestically in the US and published Internationally.