2015 / People / Children

Loss Of Sight

  • Photographer
    Frank Trimbos

Portraits of South African school children who are visually and/or physically impaired. The southern African countries have the most children with a visual impairment in the world, mostly caused by not been able to immediately recognizing the symptoms and poor medical care. These children are been educated so that when they grow up they can apply for jobs. This won’t be an easy task due to the high unemployment in South Africa.

Frank Trimbos (1978, Waalwijk, The Netherlands) is a documentary & portrait photographer in South Africa. After completing the school of Photography in Amsterdam specialized in Documentary photography. Frank began to explore the lines of storytelling, documentary and portrait photography to engage with issues of cultural, social and historical significance. In 2010 Frank moved from The Netherlands to South Africa where he began to experience the South African everyday life, capturing social issues and exploring marginalized communities.