2015 / Architecture / Buildings (Non-Pro)

Selective feelings

  • Photographer
    Alexandru Ionita

This mini series is the begining of my first big photo project. The name of the whole project is "Walk with me" and it is about my journey, the places that i see and how do i see them. It is using photography as a tool of rememberance and in the same time it is a very interesting mix between photo journalism and fine art photography. The name of the single photos is: Three closed doors(selective green); The Church and The Mansion(selective yellow); Number 218 (photo composition - selective purple on a real 122 seconds long exposure sky); Lines, angles, blue(selective blue - a detail from the National Museum of Romanian History);Waves in the attic (selective yellow with an 122 seconds monochrome sky); At home (selective red-outdoor image with bench and chairs); The past is the source of the future(selective red, the skyscraper).