2015 / Editorial / Environmental (Non-Pro)

NYC Steam

  • Photographer
    KT Shiue

One of the most significant sights on New York streets during the winter season is that of stream rising up to the heavens through orange and white steam pipes and darkened manhole covers, which creates an abstract and ghostly effect on the New York City street scene. The steam is produced by a local energy company’s district steam system, the largest in the United States. Steam vapor such as this can be caused by leaks in the system or by cooler water contacting the outside of a steam pipe, which necessitates the need for venting the steam. This view can be seen everywhere in the NYC Manhattan area, yet most of people seems ignore it as well as it’s penitential danger, and have no choice but to live with it. These images illustrate this, showing the beauty and capturing the danger that exists around every corner.