2015 / People / Family (Non-Pro)

The Long Stopover

  • Photographer
    Almar Spanaglia

A stopover that has lasted for years. The ultimate symbol of mobility and vacation travels is anchored to the ground. The caravan came to a halt and never left again. Life revolves around a trailer with no wheels in its day-to-day semplicity. In a clearing a short walk from the highway four people have settled in, living side by side near the trailer as if in a small neighborhood. They are unseen by the traffic that flows incessantly a few meters away. Our intent is to narrate the various moments of their day in the shadow of a derelict trailer. BIO Alita Spano and Marco Di Traglia. We are two photographers working as a team (Almar Spanaglia). We have been studying photography for 4 years. We carry out projects in the social reportage field.