2016 / Fine Art / Collage


  • Photographer
    David Bart

The Earth is in its primordial state, glaciers and volcanoes. Untouched, rough, wild, landscapes are an invitation to humility. Geocentric and anthropocentric visions have long coexisted. Galileo was facing an impossible task: to prove that the visible (the apparent rotation of the sun around the Earth) was a mistake, contrary to the predominant religious belief. The paradigm shift was too strong, even dizzying. In 1633, threatened with torture, he abjured. Yet whatever our worldviews, our attachments, our choices... As the Popular Astronomy by Camille Flammarion (1879) highlighted it, the Earth is destined to disappear. The Earth that will defeat us and not the other way round. In recontextualizing illustrations in real, contemporary environments and time frames, I try to reveal a singular metamorphosis: that of landscape turning into sign.