2016 / Editorial / Photo Essay (Non-Pro)


  • Photographer
    Antonio Gonzalez Caro

Almadraba is the name given to this type of fishing ancient art that existed from phoenician times. This project shows fishing in Conil, Cadiz. In the southern Spanish coast, with spring, the arrival of bluefin tuna is expected, the wildest kind. Hundred kilometers of giant anchors and many networks are transported on the boats which later formed a deadly maze corrals tuna in its path. There begins a struggle between man and nature. The Boats gather in a circle, while hundreds of tunas splashing with their tails. The water seems to boil, forming an image of an overstretched force. Fishermen are slowly raising network. His bruised and aching bodies stimulated with the hope of a good catch. After the battle, with the sea dyed red, comes the calm and gives way to silence