2016 / Fine Art / Abstract (Non-Pro)

Unnatural Fractals

  • Photographer
    Oliver Karstel

I've been photographing this construction site over a course of a year. the beautiful symmetry and colors of the formwork kept me coming back - this artwork is part of a series called unnatural fractals which is my own attempt at recreating symmetry and fractal like objects out of man-made structures. a 1000px upload doesn't do the canvas justice, the complexities in structure are uncanny.

Oliver Karstel is a Pretoria-based South African photographer and creative consultant. As an award-winning photographer and videographer, Oliver has worked with multiple multi-national corporations and organisations including the United Nations (U.N.), NEPAD (African Union), Kal Tire (CA) Thermo King (US), GEA (DE) and PERI (DE and UAE) . Oliver has received accolades from international photography awards including the Moscow International Foto Awards (MIFA), and his work has appeared in publications including INSPADES Magazine and Construction World Magazine. He has worked across the breadth