The ecovillage Ciumara Ranni was founded in 2012 in the small town of Sortino, in Sicily with the goal to become more socially, economically and ecologically sustainable. It is an unusual vision in Sicilian environment and an example of the so-called "Blessed Unrest", the self-organized worldwide leading movement for social and environmental change first noticed by the environmentalist Paul Hawken. The name of this intentional community means “Big River†in Sicilian dialect, in fact it is located nearby a river which flows among a green valley. In the last few years many young people has came to Ciumara from all around the world to live in community with sharing values instead of having isolated private lives. Residents are housed in old abandoned buildings in the valley which have been restored, or in tents and caves. Mostly of them are young, vegetarians, usually do main activities (such as gardening) in the morning, play music toghether in the free time, then go to bed early. For this reason they usually don't use electricity but in case of need they have some generated by two small solar panels. Also drinking river's water and using the fire for heating and cooking make feel indefinite memories of a primitive, natural life.