2019 / Editorial / Photo Essay

Shipbreaking, Human Breaking

  • Photographer
    Reinhard & Luca Fasching
  • Agency / Studio
    Fasching Gmbh

For our company magazine "direction" father & son, Reinhard & Luca, visited the shipbreaking yards in Chittagong. Idea was to find out more about the environment and the people working in this job and support charity NGOs with our photographic works for their PR. The working conditions on the ships and in the scrap shops around the yards are dangerous and high risk. Many workers getting insured during their work and some of them loose their live every year. Workers and their families are not insured, to loose the ability to work is to loose existence.

Studio founded 1987, commercial photography and film, 2 professionals with a team of 4-6, father & son, Reinhard & Luca, old & young, situated in Bregenz, Austria, working for international companies.