2021 / Fine Art / Other

Greedy Otherworld

  • Photographer
    Kouta Takahashi

Why do people flock to cities? For me, born in the country, the streets of Tokyo, filled with advertising photos, were a glamorous sight.The desire of companies to use their ample funds to implement sales strategies was swirling around.It's impossible to walk down the street without seeing an ad. I feel that I came to Tokyo because I was unwittingly brainwashed by the messages of greed created by the rich. The appearance of the person in the ad photo in the show window seemed to be dominated by the ad. Is the desire created and used by capitalism healthy for human beings and their environment?

Photographer / Born in Japan, 1986. In 2011, I participated in the Great East Japan Earthquake reconstruction support activities, which led me to journey alone around Japan for about five years to study society. I became interested in photography as a means of expressing the "doubts about society" that I felt during my journeys, and began creating works. Since then, she has been holding solo exhibitions and showing her work at art fairs in Japan and abroad, including Tokyo, Paris, and Dubai, starting in 2019.