2021 / Fine Art / Still Life (Non-Pro)

Still All Faces

  • Photographer
    Den Reader

The fascination of the human face represented in various forms, photographed in subdued natural light to maximise color saturation. Fuji Velvia 100 film; 120 seconds f16; macro lens; images unmanipulated.

My fascination with film photography began at the age of 10, and has burned ever more strongly throughout my life. Color transparency film in a manual camera ensures a disciplined approach! In recent years my focus has been on images expressing beauty in decay - whether leaves or rusty keys - and aiming for subtle color saturation through long exposures in subdued daylight. Portfolios of my work have been published in photo magazines around the world, and my images are marketed by some of the world's leading photo libraries - notably as book covers. I have lived in Norfolk, UK, since 1985.