2021 / Editorial / General News

Venice At The Time of Covid 19

  • Photographer
    Matteo Chinellato
  • Agency / Studio
    IPA, NurPhoto, GettyImage

Seeing a totally deserted Venice is now a very rare fact, this happened in the lockdown period due to Covid 19 which started on February 23, 2020 and ended on May 18, 2020 creating an unreal but also dramatic situation. All the photographs were taken at times where the places are normally so full of tourists that it is impossible to walk, ,for example Piazza San Marco at night the photo was taken at 10.19 PM where usually the square is full of people and tourists, the night view of the Rialto bridge was taken at 08.48 PM where not even a bright trail of boats can be seen.

Professional photographer specializing in macro-micro mineralogical and gemmological photography for publishing in the scientific sector. Photographer for GettyImage, NurPhoto, IPA - Independent Photo Agency, Avalon - PhotoShot. Official photographer for Rivista Mineralogica Italiana