2021 / Portfolio / Fine Art


  • Photographer
    Lawrence D'Attilio
  • Agency / Studio
    Song Hong Studio

EarthAirSea is my alternative process to value non-polluted environments using semi-abstract interpretations. I mourn seeing pollution in the landscape where there should be none, especially in the U.S. Southwest quarter, and what some people feel are boring places are ones where I want to find hidden beauty. The formal art elements and relations offer much for my imagination too. And some of the abstractions recognize and play on notions of the Earth’s crust and atmospheric energy interchanges. I feel I celebrate them best by employing evolving alternative means of photographic expression.

Lawrence D'Attilio, is an established fine art photographer from Los Angeles, who also has worked as an artist in Vietnam for 54 months. His projects are known for their diversity of processes influenced by his past parallel career as a professional symphony musician. The natural environment, women’s issues and urban landscape transformations are his most well-known subjects. Lawrence’s solo exhibits have been in the U.S., Malaysia, Italy, Spain and Vietnam. He taught photography in continuing education programs of universities. His published book "The Soul of Vietnam" has sold 900 copies.