Inspired by the 1930s photography of Walker Evans and Dorothy Lange, American Desert-Ed is driven by the visual legacy of the Farm Security Administration during the Great Depression in rural America. Shooting with a Hassleblad in dramatic black and white, I attempt to create a modern day retelling of the down and out, mentally ill, and impoverished heading West to create a home in the harsh Sonoran Desert where they will be left alone and undisturbed after being isolated and ultimately rejected by society. This is their home, in the middle of nowhere.
Daniel Skwarna is a Toronto-based documentary and editorial photographer. He has worked in the United States, Iceland, England, Scotland, Ireland, Cuba, Israel and the West Bank, Turkey, Greece, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Estonia,Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Serbia Croatia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Kosovo,Slovakia, Sarajevo, Poland, and Russia. He is currently pursuing personal projects in the Southwestern United States.