For this short serie images, we used an authentic French gin, it’s called ‘SOTHIS gin’ and it's made by monsieur Maxime Chapoutier, it’s distilled from grapes and wild plants grown near the vineyards in the Rhône Valley. The idea behind it, was to work around this gin, the herbs & the making of a drink with it, while combining it in some dynamic images. We used an artistic, graphic approach, with minimal styling, which gives it an aesthetic appearance.
Wesley Dombrecht(1979) is a Belgium-based photographer, currently best known for his personal photography work and art-series in the ”fine-art / still-life” genre, mostly working around food. Through a graphic approach and elaborately staged compositions, his personal work offers the viewer a different perspective on food – mostly there is an underlying story connected to his series.. In the years he developed a signature style for his personal work, utilising dramatic lighting, minimal sets and an unsaturated colour palette, what gives his images a very aesthetic, painterly, appearance.