I am interested in the idea of nature as a cultural construction and the composition of a new landscape with other readings. A dialogue between figuration/abstraction where the real and the manipulated overlap. These double photographs combine opposing codes that attract each other, as the perception of color through its absence or the flatness of paper through its fold. I explore the illusory of a natural landscape image and its chromatic decomposition, transferring what is captured by sight to the codes of another system (RGB) dragging into the artificial which is given by the natural order
Argentinian visual artist born in 1965. She holds a degree in Industrial Design(U.B.A). Was trained in art-photography attending workshops and residences programs. She uses photography as a way of thinking, looking for the poetic and political potential that arises from the observation. The condition of foreignness and displacement is a source of inspiration and she explores photography’s ability to manipulate perceptions of reality. She is interested in the discrepancy between what we see and what we know. Her author's book Uncertain Nature was published in 2016. Lives in Buenos Aires.