Industrial zones located on the outskirts of big cities regularly feature cooling towers. These bold man-made structures are extremely monotonous in architecture. We are aware of their presence, yet we classify them as dull and not interesting. Ignoring them, erasing them from our view. But what if we got to see the interior of such towers? Would we still find them uninteresting? For this series I explored the inner workings and mechanisms of cooling towers across Europe. The interior of cooling towers yield astonishing vistas, grand and impressive. I approached these objects as landscapes. Searching for patterns, sense of scale, repetition, and disruption, rendering landscapes within.
Reginald Van de Velde (Belgium, 1975) scouts the unknown & unseen. As a wanderer of wastelands he journeys all over the world, trying to capture the momentum of splendour still undisturbed by the turmoil and temptations of modern society. He is a vagabond for lost beauty, a chronicler of forgotten magnificence.