A troubled, painful, heroic trip, that often meets with death. To cross the Mediterranean Sea means to rewrite a new Odyssey. It is the story of men, women and children who rely on providence even before fate, on a small boat, in the quest to find not an artificial well-being but rather to conquer a “dignified poverty”, an elementary concept, which we Westerners have forgotten.
Luca Catalano Gonzaga was born in Rome. After Classical Studies he graduates in Economics and works in the world of communication for over a decade. In 2010, he decides to found Witness Image, to collect and narrate the great transformations of our time he witnesses as a photo reporter. His work takes him to highly remote areas and borders of the world, to carry out a series of photographic projects that narrate the rights and self-determination of people. His projects have received numerous international awards and his photographs have been published by major international media.