Shooting of different raw materials for high-tech company AkrapoviÄ. I was on assignment to produce totally different shots of their products and materials from the shots they already have. Company managment ordered something different - something what they didn`t have untill now. I decided to make abstract shots of raw materials wich company needs for the products.
Freelance photographer from 1994 (working with daily, weekly, monthly media, advertising agencies and film industry in Slovenija) until 2003, then photo editor at various publishing houses (Delo revije d.d. and Tedenski zurnal d.o.o.) until 2008 when started to manage photo agency IFP. From 2002 works as a still photographer at Slovenian movie and theater productions. Attended masterclasses with Christopher Morris(VII agency), Marcus Bleasdale, Yuri Kozyrev(Noor) and Jerome Delay (AP).