Homage to Huangshan: „Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better“ Albert Einstein. Only nature gives you to every time and season incredible beauty. My home Tyrol is surrounded by beautiful mountains. In 2016 I have been in Huangshan/China and even I see every day mountains, it was incredible to see this fascinating scenery in Huangshan. I was surrounded by mountains of happiness. Huangshan, also known as Mt. Huang or Yellow Mountain is an exquisite 160 square mile mountain range in Anhui province in eastern China. The weather on Huangshan can change rapidly. Four days the sun was shining and it looked like summer. But then the clouds rolled in and it was snowing a whole day and suddenly I was in winter in Huangshan. Trees and mountains appeared and disappeared, it was cold and wet – but I was happy to see Huangshan in the summer and winter season within a week. It was just amazing.