Modern poultry breeding methods only involve the use of two chicken breeds, hybrid and totally created by man through genetic modifications: the breed broiler (meat) and the laying hen (for eggs). The focus on profit has led poultry farmers to ignore the history and territorial origins of the species, to promote a standardized production that has no other aim than the greatest profit. A real cultural and biological pollution, which has almost determined the extinction of hundreds of genetic types and a very high damage to the species biodiversity. Fortunately some nostalgic fans have started researching the last vestiges of the original breeds of chickens and have taken to breed, reviving poultry breeds almost disappeared. If it was not for them many of these chickens would definitely extinct and their genes lost. The breeders of these ancient breeds compete in beauty competitions, each animal is evaluated for posture, size, shape, design and color of the plumage.
Emanuela Colombo (Italy, 11/09/1974) After graduating in Communication Sciences at IULM in Milan, she has worked for almost ten years in the commercial departments of several companies in the Milan area. In 2007 she decided to devote herself to her true passion and she attended to the Photography and Visual Design master at NABA, Milan. Since the beginning of 2007 she has been working for international NGOs to realize reportages and stories about their activities in Italy and abroad. Her works have been published on both national and international magazines.