Gold 2020 / Portfolio / Fine Art (Non-Pro)

Botanika (Polaroid)

  • Photographer
    Gerardo Stübing
  • Agency / Studio
  • Prizes
    Gold in Portfolio/Fine Art, 2nd Place winner in Portfolio

Ambiguous abstraction, that seek to bring closer the appreciation of the creations of nature under the concept of "Natura naturata" by Spinoza, a concept very well reflected in the statement: "Species are determined by beauty" (Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, 1871). I start from recovered polaroid negatives that are scanned and printed manually on paper (310 g Arches platine paper, 50 x 40 cm -35 x 28 cm printed area- . CMY channels are printed using a solvent and press transfer. The K channel is transferred to a contact negative that by means of an argyotypy is superimposed.

Born in Valencia (1957). Professor of Botany at the University of Valencia. Graduated in Fine Arts, he is currently studying doctorate in Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. The objective of my work, beyond the strict artistic creation, is to deepen these concepts and to experience an artistic production based on them, seeking to sensitize the observer in the appreciation and respect for our natural environment, as we protect that of what we fall in love, and to fall in love with something or someone previously we have to know it.