In my pictures animals seem to be liberated of the artificial ark of the zoo or of the stables, which partly gives us a good conscience regarding the more and more growing destruction of the natural habitat of the animals by the human kind. This way the virtually liberated animals in my pictures are occupying a strange nature as a matter of course.I would like that viewers are in raptures about my pictures, that is why the animals, even if they are gregarious animals, are staying alone in front of the camera, an individual with name and origin.
Education as painter and property master at the theatre. Work for some years at different theatres in Germany and in Switzerland. Thereafter studies of communication desgin and photography at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund. Work for several years as Art Director and Creative Director in different advertising agencies. Since 1985 photographer in Düsseldorf. Norbert Hüttermann, specialist for corporate photography, is developping and interpreting photographic styles for companies as part of the corporate identity. On top of that he teached as contract teacher for advertsi