Silver 2020 / Science / Medicine

Far Away - The Dayak Paradox

  • Photographer
    Giuliano Lo Re
  • Prizes
    Silver in Science/Medicine

In the past five years, Indonesia has been committed to pursuing the most ambitious healthcare system in the world. However, the lack of funds, staff, and infrastructure make access to health services a mirage for dozens of Indonesian Borneo's indigenous. Puskesmas, introduced in 1960, remain the only source of health care for dozens of villages. Operating also as mobile clinical centers, these community health posts targeted primary health care gaps, including maternal and child health care, general prevention, immunization, and first aid services.

I'm a 28yo independent documentary photographer based in Milan, Italy. After working for six years in the Advertising and Graphic Design industry, covering the role of Art Director, I have embarked upon a freelance photographer career. My focuses are the environmental and anthropological issues and I'm actually paying particular attention to the causes and effects of climate change globally.