What in the week preceding Easter, Trapani (Sicily) changes face and rediscovered again firmly attached to Sue roots. Trapani Back to the rituals of ancient spirituality, AFTER 400 Years Still Deeply alive. They are days when I mingle faith, Tradition, folklore, the sacred and the profane. Moments of aggregation in which the city finds himself whole. Hours when the streets fill with people; What a large crowd gathers to FOLLOW and accompany the "Procession of 'Sorrows", the "Procession of the Madonna del Popolo" and finally the long "Procession of the Mysteries", where during latter' the farmers and the old workers carrying On Their behind the precious wooden sculptures accompanied by musical bands. In THESE times of great religious participation, it also reflects all the economic, cultural, social and politics of the city.
Nato nel 1945, foto amatore. Ha iniziato a fotografare, per passione, nel 1978 sviluppando l’interesse verso il reportage di tipo sociale. Ha frequentato numerosi maestri quali Gianni Berengo Gardin, Mario de Biasi, Fulvio Roiter, Franco Fontana, Romano Cagnononi, Roberto Salbitani, Giovanni Marozzini, George Tadge, Giancarlo Torresani, Ernesto Bazan, Paul Lowe, Ziyah Gafic, Francesco Cito e Angelo Ferrillo. Ha effettuato vari reportage illustrando l'aspetto sociale molto spesso sotto forma di denuncia.